Regarding Conduct of Special Examination by HSBTE
Merit-cum-Means Order 24.03.2021
Notice Govt. Polytechnic, Nanakpur (Panchkula) It is informed to all the concerned students that Centralized portal is open for inviting online applications under Post Matric scholarship scheme for AY 2020-21. Eligible SC/BC students are requested to register and apply for scholarship by 31.03.2021 positively on the web portal as mentioned below. Eligibility: Link of […]
Office Order Merit-cum-means Scholarship Dated:03/11/2020 Office Order Merit-cum-means Scholarship Dated:10/02/2021 Merit cum means scholarship Application/Undertaking form
Office order for Committees for implementation of SOP Dated:12-11-2020
SOP Draft SOP Guidelines
Application form for 2019-20 Affidavit