
Code of Conduct

The institute provides a healthy environment and facilities to students, but to avail the facilities of the institute a student must abide by rules and regulations of the institution. These are designed to safety of the students and those of the fellow students and are liable to change without notice from time to time. The students are advised to keep themselves informed about the day-to-day instructions given to them through notice boards and Institute website at Ignorance of any rule cannot be accepted as an excuse for breaking it.

  • Students are expected to behave properly with other students and to pay due respects to their faculty and other staff members.
  • Smoking, consuming of alcohol, Tobacco is not allowed either in the Institution, Examination Hall, or in the hostel premises. Any student found committing breach of this rule shall be expelled from the Institution.
  • Shouting, whistling and using abusive/offensive language is not allowed in or around the institute.
  • No student should bring any weapon or sharp articles to the institute.
  • Physical manhandling/hitting other students is not allowed in the institute premises otherwise strict action will be taken against them.
  • Use of Mobile Phone during class hours is prohibited and is liable for punishment.
  • Stealing, misusing, destroying, defacing or damaging the institute property is not allowed and strict action will be taken against those students.
  • Students are expected to come to institute dressed in clean and proper uniform.
  • Students must wear and display their Identity Cards at the gate while entering the institute and always keep it on your person inside the campus.
  • Late arrival or early departures from a class are recorded as absence from the class for the period concerned.
  • The apparatus of laboratories and workshops must be left in good order after use. Damage caused due to mishandling shall be charged as fine.
  • All students must attend any industrial visit arranged for them unless previously exempted by the Principal and notes on the visit shall be submitted within a fortnight after visits.
  • Students themselves only are responsible for their own belongings/property whilst in the Institution and Hostel premises. No responsibility shall be accepted for any loss or damage to student’s property.
  • Student shall observe all safety precautions. The Polytechnic is not responsible for accidents for whatever nature in the Polytechnic or Hostel or Workshop or Laboratories or during the tours organized for the students.
  • The Conduct inconsistent with general ethics or persistent neglect of work or failure to respond promptly to official notices shall be punished with levy of fines and even expulsion from the Institution.
  • The decisions of the Principal shall be final in all matters concerning the Institute’s administration and regulation.
  • Legal disputes, if any, to the level of session court are subject to the Jurisdiction of Panchkula court.


Copyright Govt Polytechnic Nanakpur | Last updated on 5th February 2025